SSN: Back To Black

SSN: Back To Black

Life is like a troubled track, where the odds are stacked.

Which Shangri-La's song influenced Back To Black? Which jazz artist reinterpreted the song so much it's barely recognisable? Which Baz Luhrmann movie featured Beyonce's cover? Join Stevie Nix as he answers all of these questions and more on this episode that treads a troubled track. WARNING: This episode contains traces of Blake Fielder-Civil.

Featured artists [in alphabetical order]:

Typh Barrow
Boy & Bear
Lightspeed Champion
Sam Fender
Angelina Jordan
Jada Kingdom
Robin McKelle

Mila Santana
The Music Brokers ft Eve St Jones
Scary Pockets ft Madelyn Grant

Allie Sherlock
Raphael Tschernuth
Amy Winehouse
Charlie Winston

Uncredited track: Maria Lola Roche

Curated Spotify Playlist:
20 Songs That Have Things Covered #6
20 Songs To Play In A Blackout 

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